We are happy to show to the public the latest version of our Campus @Intelligentia. The web-site is addressed to students that are looking for thesis or stages that can introduce them the real world of software development in real Business Contexts.
We have create a set of arguments that are of interest for us in this moment to propose for thesis/stage. Some of them are generic, some of them very specific. The list will be updated with more ideas as soon as we discover that they are applicable for a student training.
The number of students we can follow is limited and they will be selected by an interview with the Tutor that will follow him from the Intelligentia side.
For the moment the list of school with an active convention is restricted but we are working in expanding our network to other Universities all around Europe. If you like our idea and want to propose your school or University, well let us know! We will consider the opportunity and if interesting we will try to create a convention with them.
#openyourmind do your thesis in Intelligentia!