The goal of our initiative is to face with a real application, providing simulated data and simulated requests in order to create a real, valuable, experience for their career. Depending on the quality of the result achieved, Intelligentia can decide to continue to invest in the career of the selected person by introducing his profile in the permanent staff! Campus is an entry point for Intelligentia team to be.
Start here your career.
Intelligentia invests time and resources in discovering new talents to work with. If you are a student looking for thesis or stages, join our Campus!
Intelligentia’s Campus is just an initiative for young engineers and programmers. The goal is to offer not trivial problems to solve for thesis or stages. A challenging point where to start to measure their own competences with concrete applications and requirements, simulating a real customer and a real application.
We are used to not involve students in our real-projects, everything they will do is done in a concrete and safe environment, but not connected to time. The work will consist in studying and using in the project the latest technologies and methodologies in software development, embedded software development, cloud computing, High Performance Computing, BigData management and processing and other challenging topics.

Are you ready to start?
Don’t wait! Visit our Campus dedicated website to find an interesting argument where to start to invest for your career!