Even if a few months late, we are pleased to inform that Intelligentia has signed the Innovation Agreement with the Italian Government aimed at the development of a series of components for the ItalGovSatCom. The consortium of companies is led by Northrop Grumman Italia Spa and involves Intelligentia Srl, Intecs Spa and Sky Technology Srl.
The Program is the Italian version of the GovSatCom project which has as its objective the creation and commissioning of an innovative satellite system, called ItalGovSatCom, for the provision of telecommunications services with security, resilience and reliability characteristics to allow use for institutional purposes. These uses include civil protection, security and defence, humanitarian aid, telemedicine, maritime surveillance, and much more, in line with what is promoted by the European initiative GovSatCom.
The ItalGovSatCom system will be based on an innovative geostationary platform with electric propulsion and weight and size characteristics to guarantee its launchability at low cost, with VEGA-type launchers made in our country.
The mirror GovSatCom Detailed Operational Program (POD) was approved by the Space Economy Supervisory Committee at the meeting of 10 April 2018.
The creation of the Ital-GovSatCom system is based on:
- an institutional collaboration agreement between the General Directorate for industrial policy, competitiveness and SMEs of the MISE and the Italian Space Agency;
- and a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the MISE and 12 Regions (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria, Valle D’Aosta) and by the autonomous Province of Trento, aimed at the creation of a multi-regional R&D aid program which hinges on the instrument of the “Space Economy” innovation agreements, as introduced by the ministerial decree of 2 March 2018 and implemented by directorial decree 26 September 2019.
Intelligentia is involved in the definition and procurement of a PUS library compatible with the ESA ECSS E-ST-70-41C standard, a component of the satellite’s on-board software used for routing communication between the control ground segment and the various on-board instruments satellite.
Being present in this group of companies is a source of pride and strategic interest for Intelligentia as the initiative will allow the company to be able to create a software component that can be offered to its customers for future space missions.
We are proud to be able to take an active part in our country’s first major Space Economy project.